Friday, January 27, 2012

Rut Ro! I Now Have To Blog!

Oooookie Dokie....good Lord I have a blog.

I need you all to please bear with me. I was given an assignment to start a blog.  
How, do you say? I am being forced and it counts as a grade.  Seriously.  Yet....Saweet!

After a life altering moment over a year ago, I felt the need to write a bucket list. Yes - one of those lists you write about on what is it that you want to do, finish or experience before you...well, how do I put it? Kick the bucket?
So I decided that I needed to step back and ask myself, who is this girl, Johanne, that I see in the mirror every morning?  I brush her teeth, her hair and glob on gloss on those lips every morning..but who the hell is she?  I realized that I honestly could not answer that question other than she definitely likes Starbucks: grande white chocolate mocha, two pumps, skim, no whip. That I feel I look just like I did in high school, but a little "curvier" and a few cup sizes larger.
So with bucket list on hand and a swift kick in the rear, I have decided to put plan into action and head out on a journey to find out who she is.  Well, clearly not the same 21 year old Johanne, but the "not quite in her mid thirties anymore", Johanne.
But how much of me has left the building, how much still remains, and what amazing thing has yet to be seen?

One item on my list was to finish school.  I was thiiiissss close and I stopped for a "break" and that break turned into 11 years, marriage, two kids, and a mortgage later.  So my first step was going back to school, initially to do graphic design, deciding to embrace that creative side of me.  Instead, I found a pull in Journalism.  So now I commute from Tampa to the USF St. Petersburg campus, on top of the all the yadi yadi family/household stuff I said I do in my profile. And now blogging.

Glutton for punishment?  "Present!" 

Soooo, for my "Intro to Blogging Class", (yes, no lie, that is what it's called, and it counts towards my degree, so double sweet!), I  need to come up with interesting stuff to write, so again, please bear with me.  Since I am pulled in different directions on any given day and I wear so many the point of being a Jack of All Trades but a Master of None, I feel I cannot focus on just ONE thing, somehow I have to make it work.  Got to make blogging a habit...if you supposedly do something for 21 days straight, it becomes a habit.  We shall see....
The one thing that I have made a point to create a habit of is to RUN.  I first began to run for exercise (a New Year's Eve bet), but then I realized it is so much more than that.  Yes, it is free, it is empowering, mentally clearing and it makes me a much stronger and better person both in and out.  But there is more, much more.  This pounding of pavement really is the catalyst of my journey.  Running initially was what I wanted to only blog about but then I thought, hmm.... it is only a small piece of the "let's figure out what Johanne is "truly" capable of" puzzle. 

We will get to my running at a later post and it will somehow tie in on regular posts. But for now, I just wanted to let you know I am here.  (Holla!) 

I promise to try and make this interesting and hopefully we can become virtual BFFs, k?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Johanne!I really like your writing style so far in this blog, its very conversational. I love the way you add questions in the middle of your writing, it gives a vibe that your talking directly to each reader and keeping them engaged! I would love to know more about your running, as I'm a runner too! Like goals you set for yourself each week? What kind of things get you motivated to get out there and run each day? I'll definitely be following you throughout the semester, maybe we can share running tips :)
